Wednesday, September 3, 2014

My Story

My Story

I discovered the Body Love Movement about a year ago while cruising Pinterest. A woman named Jes (AKA The Militant Baker) was making a big stink back then over some pretty nasty comments made by the CEO of Abercrombie and Fitch. Anyone else remember THESE kick ass pictures?



Jes and the dozen or so women I eventually found through Pinterest showed me that all bodies are beautiful, mine included. For the first time in 30 years, I KNEW that this 5' 5'', size 20 body was beautiful and started treasuring it instead of ignoring it.

The result? I felt better about myself, and that made me more attractive to other people. Because I started to love myself, I started treating my body better. My body thanked me by growing healthier. Sure, I've lost a few pounds too, but that wasn't the goal. I can find clothes that fit me better, now, but I find that kind of sad.

The first thing that makes me angry: Big girls aren't treated like real consumers in the fashion industry. As if Mike Jeffries' comments were enough, Luluemon's founder Chip Wilson said THIS is an interview:

"Frankly some women's bodies just don't actually work for [the pants] . . . It's really about the rubbing through the thighs, how much pressure is there over a period of time, how much they use it."

Let's not even get into how many companies don't make clothes in sizes over size 12, or how plus sized women are forced to shop in special sections or special stores to even find something that fits. *insert eye roll here*

My body is not an apology. It's also not here for your approval, pleasure or amusement. 

So, I started to feel better about myself, and I lost a few pounds and suddenly I was getting the wrong kind of attention on the street.

Remember the hashtag #yesallwomen ? Suddenly, at a size 16, I knew for the first time in my life what it meant to be harassed by men on the street.

And that makes me even angrier.

This is the result. Diary of an Angry Redhead.